Friday, May 20, 2011

Nature's Harvest Organic Chocolate Cookies

Nature Harvest's Organic Chocolate cookies, not commonly seen in general supermarket, I spotted this one in IGA yesterday. It is a product of New Zealand.

Organic Chocolate cookie

The word 'organic' is  used very loosely, seeing a word like 'organic' doesn't mean it doesn't contain artificial and unatural ingredients. As usual, I tend to look for certification first then having a deep dive into the ingredients. It is certified by biogro that is New Zealand leading organic certifier (

Ingredients are all in english and no numbers!
Certified by Biogro

The price is 180g for $5.70 which is about $31 for 1 kg. Expensive? I suppose it depends on one's perspective. I know I tend to go 'crazy' when I am hungry in late noon and will just swallow anything that is in front of me. In this case, I find it worth, at least what's going into my body is not full of preservatives and colourings when I am mindless.

Well, if one can pay thousands of dollars for luxury items, expensive cars etc, why not treat our body better too? :)

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Use Ethical Paper - Paper that doesn't cost the Earth

This has nothing to do with organic food but given that it is a good message, I have decided to put it up.

Reflex uses cheap woodchips from Victorian native forests to make their paper and this cause impact on our climate, water and wildlife. We can use paper made from recycled post-consumer waste.

Please help to sign the petition.

Say no to forest destruction. Take the Ethical Paper pledge!

Thanks to Narelle Chenery, Director of Miessence that raises our awareness on this.